


tremor, EEG, cognitive influences, motor control, graphics tablet, essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease


This study introduces a cutting-edge digital approach to analyzing the relationship between involuntary movements and brain activity in patients with neurological disorders associated with tremor, such as Parkinson's disease. The research was conducted on real patients, offering a practical perspective on how cognitive influences impact motor control and brain function. To achieve this, patients were asked to draw spirals on a Huion KAMVAS Pro 16 graphics tablet, a device equipped with a touch-sensitive screen and stylus, allowing for precise tracking of movement. Simultaneously, their brain activity was monitored using the NEUROCOM EEG system, with electrodes positioned on the posterior region of the head-an area strongly involved in motor coordination. This dual setup ensured synchronized data collection of motor performance and neural dynamics. The primary goal of the study was to uncover connections between involuntary movements, observed as tremorinduced irregularities in the spiral drawings, and specific patterns of brain activity recorded through EEG. By comparing the data collected in medicated and unmedicated states, significant variations in tremor severity and brain function were identified. Key regions of the brain involved in motor regulation were identified, shedding light on the mechanisms that underlie tremor development and its modulation under different conditions. This approach offers a groundbreaking perspective on the diagnosis and treatment of tremor-related conditions. Unlike traditional methods, which often rely on subjective assessments and are limited in capturing real-time neural activity, this method provides a more objective and detailed analysis of motor impairments. By integrating precise movement data from the graphics tablet with neurophysiological signals from EEG, the study demonstrates the potential for creating more effective, personalized treatment strategies for conditions like Parkinson’s disease. The findings open new avenues for leveraging digital tools in clinical research, enabling a deeper understanding of how motor and cognitive processes interact in patients with tremor symptoms.


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