maglev, mechanical subsystem, calculation scheme, phase space, qualitative research methods, state representing point, phase portraitAbstract
The key criterion for a maglev train’s evaluating consumer properties is the quality of transportation. Dynamic characteristics, in particular, safety and comfort, have a dominant influence on this quality. Non-stationary modes of motion are especially critical, and therefore limiting when evaluating the specified characteristics. Until now, studies of train’s dynamics have not been comprehensive. As a rule, these studies were conducted not on the whole system, but on its elements. In addition, studies of such dynamics were not carried out using qualitative methods with the construction of phase portraits of motions. This inevitably had a negative impact on objectivity, and therefore on the resulting value of the such studies results. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the dynamic qualities and load of a car – maglev train’s rolling stock’s unit – in various non-stationary modes of its one-dimensional motion. The proposed study makes it possible to radically increase the visual scope of the setting, conduct and results of the analysis and synthesis of dynamic processes occurring in the system. Such visualization can undoubtedly significantly increase the level of research and, as a result, the quality of its results. Thanks to this, the developed research methodology can be recommended for wide use in the conduct of similar works to facilitate the setting of their goals, the progress of the implementation and the improvement of the results quality. The research was conducted using the methods of dynamic’s qualitative analysis based on the systems state spaces. In the study: – it is shown that the evolution of a maglev’s mechanical subsystem’s longitudinal motion model is advisable to study in particular, by methods of systems qualitative analysis; – the benefits of such research methods using during the conduct of similar studies are well-argued; – using the methods of qualitative analysis, the geometric location of the resting points of the dynamic system under study, their type and equilibrium in them were established; – own and forced motions of the research object were analyzed; – illustrative examples of building a system’s multi-leaf phase portrait, as well as the corresponding dependencies on time of its phase coordinates and speed in various operational modes, are given.
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