digital transformation, digital economy and society index, DESI index, DESI index calculation methodologyAbstract
The work examines the digital economy and society index DESI, which was introduced as a measure of digital transformation in the countries of the European Union; methodological approaches to the calculation of the DESI index in the period from 2014 to 2024 are considered and the current method of calculation and mathematical model are explained; the modern model of the DESI index and all the statistical indicators that are taken into account for its calculation are given. The paper demonstrates how the DESI index model evolved historically: the framework of the model did not undergo changes, remaining three-layered; and the number of statistical indicators that were implemented, as well as their grouping into subcomponents and components according to individual areas of digital transformation (regarding Human capital, Internet connection, Integration of digital technologies, Digital public services) changed several times. The work provides a list of modern computer programs that can be useful for calculating the DESI index according to the methodology. It is noted that the choice of software for normalization, aggregation of statistical indicators and calculation of the integral index largely depends on the type of data, volume of data, complexity of calculations, need to visualize results or work with geospatial data or large matrices. Based on the official data of the website of the European Commission, the work shows the current rating of the countries of the European Union according to the level of digital transformation according to the value of the DESI index; an analysis of the dynamics of digital transformation in European countries over the past five years is carried out; the countries that most successfully implement the European program of building the “gigabit society” are determined. The study of the achievements of the EU countries is important for the further digital transformation of the economy and society of the European Union and Ukraine as a candidate for EU membership. The paper assesses Ukraine’s readiness to transition to European standards for the analysis of statistical data, in particular data related to the digital economy and society. It has been established that Ukraine has conducted preparations at the legislative and theoretical-methodological levels, in particular: the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine uses a similar methodology to calculate the Digital Transformation Index of Ukraine’s regions, and from 2025 it is planned to calculate the DESI index for Ukraine for the first time.
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