automated design, geometric modeling, tillage discs, design and operational parameters, method of reducing the area of project solutionsAbstract
The current historical period is quite difficult for Ukraine, which is connected with military actions on its territory. At present, along with the emphasized ones, the issues of preserving and increasing the economic potential of our state are also particularly important. Agriculture plays one of the leading roles in this regard. Therefore, its further improvement is an urgent scientific problem. This applies, in particular, to the improvement of the used technical tools, for example, tillage discs. The widespread popularity of the latter is due to current advanced trends in minimal tillage. Compared to shelf plows, these discs provide a significant reduction in fuel consumption, help retain moisture in the soil, and prevent erosion. The rapid development of computer information technologies makes it possible to successfully introduce various mathematical tools into production. For this, it is necessary to effectively adapt the already existing and develop new corresponding progressive methods, techniques, algorithms, models, etc. In the presence of positive practical results, the proposed approaches should be theoretically generalized for their further improvement. In this publication, on the example of the information given in the literature about the design and operational parameters of tillage discs, the proposed methodology of formalization of their analysis is considered. The latter, based on the application of the method of reducing the area of design solutions, is aimed at determining rational options for agricultural implements. In this case, the main advantage of geometric models, such as their relative simplicity and clarity, was used. The main idea of the specified method is to gradually narrow the initial permissible range of parameters in order to determine one or several appropriate variants of the product being created, which, from the geometrical positions, usually represent certain points in a multidimensional space. A typical technique for visualizing a multidimensional figure with the necessary set of lines or surfaces of two- and three-dimensional space, respectively, was used. Directions for further scientific research on outlined topic are considered.
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