Requirements for execution

File options:

The manuscript was prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows 2003/2016; page format – А4, page orientation – "bookish";borders: left – 2,5 cm; rights – 2,5 cm; upper – 2,5 cm; lower – 2,5 cm; line spacing – 1,0;  spacing between paragraphs "to", "after" – 0 пт.; indent "left", "right" – 0 пт.; first line indent – 1,25 cm.

Required Article Elements:


The block "Information about authors", "Title of the article", "Abstract" and "List of keywords" is presented in two languages (Ukrainian, English) consecutively with the same formatting.

The first abstract is provided in the language of the article.

The text and size of annotations in two languages must be identical.

The size of each of the two annotations is at least 1,800 characters without spaces.

  • UDC index in the upper left corner of the page (Times New Roman, 12 pt.), indicated once;
  • initials and surname of the author(s) in capital letters (Times New Roman, 12 pt., alignment on the right edge) (Authors' full names are translated from Ukrainian into English);
  • full name of the organization where the author works (Times New Roman, 10 pt., on the right edge);
  • empty string (Times New Roman, 12 pt.);
  • article title in capital letters,  centered (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold);
  • empty string (Times New Roman, 12 pt.);
  • Abstract (Times New Roman, 10 pt., italics);
  • List of key words that begins with the words: "Key words:" (Times New Roman, 10 pt., italics); 
  • empty string (Times New Roman, 12 pt.).


The main text of the article (Times New Roman, 12 pt.), which, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, must contain the following highlighted elements: Statement of the problem; Analysis of the latest research and publications; The aim of the study; Presentation of the main research material; Conclusions;

  • List of used literature (number of literary sources is no more than 15);
  • AUTHOR INFORMATION with e-mail and ORCID (Design sample). NECESSARILY!

Drawings: captions under the pictures – Times New Roman, 10 pt., bold;

Tables:  Tabl. 1 – right alignment. If there is a table name - a line below.

Formulas: use the formula editor to type Microsoft Equation 3.0; formulas in the center; numbering of formulas – on the right edge; Default formula sizes: normal symbol – 12 pt; large index – 7 pt; small index – 5 pt; big symbol – 18 pt; small symbol – 12 pt.

In the text of the article, each formula is separated by two empty lines (8 pt.).

Programs: use Courier New (Courier) fonts for a set of fragments;

List of references: is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation"; 

References: are drawn up according to the rules of transliteration into English from Ukrainian.

For transliteration, we suggest using the following resource:

·      transliteration from the Ukrainian language: