asymptotic method, contact problem, viscoelastic body, composite materials, stringer, orthotropic layers, cylindrical anisotropyAbstract
The control of the stress-strain state of viscoelastic bodies with cylindrical anisotropy, which consist of numerous layers and are supported, is very important in practice, particularly in construction. The mechanics of anchor rods and pile foundations remains very important today. The results can also be useful for stress-strain analyses of fibrous composites. The paper deals with a complex spatial axisymmetric contact problem of transferring a load from a circular cross section rod to a viscoelastic body, which consists of two bonded orthotropic layers with cylindrical anisotropy. The law of the contact stress distribution between the stringer and the body, as well as the force in the stringer if it is loaded longitudinally at the end points, is determined. For a decision the asymptotic method worked out by authors is used. The relation of stiff descriptions of material gets out as a small parameter. As material of body вязкоупругий, this physical parameter is plugged in itself by the relation of functions that arise up after application of transformation of Laplace in basic equalizations and depend on the parameter of this transformation. Such relations for viscoelastic anisotropic materials that mostly meet in practice do not exceed unit and parameter of asymptotic integration remains small. Such choice of small parameter is comfortable, as a type of equalizations and border terms, writtenin in relation to the transforms of Laplace, fully coincides with corresponding expressions for the resilient raising of task. After the decision of task in such kind the question of passing a stay to the originals of the sought after functions. Such transition can be simplified, if to find originals for the small and large values of the chosen parameters (for example, to time), and then to join them by means of two-point approximation, that allows to get a common decision.
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