



graphic editor, color model, computer graphics, HSV, RGB


With the development of information technology, training systems and methodologies in the public education field are changing, including the teaching of painting. By means of computer systems, traditional methods of working with images were modified into more efficient and affordable ones. The software market is full of tools for processing visual information - graphic editors that allow you to create, view, process and edit digital images. The importance of this group of programmes lies in a rich feature set that replace art materials in real life to achieve certain goals. The combination of new technologies with perpetuated knowledge of painting allows us to bring the learning process to the modern level, the main advantages of which are reflected in increasing opportunities for continuing education. The presented article is devoted to the issues related to the scope of modern technologies in the educational system of painting teaching, studying the historical stages of development of the main directions and painting techniques. The influence of computer graphics on various branches of modern life is investigated, the market of graphic editors is researched, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed and the level of their use in artists and designers work is analyzed. The theoretical knowledge of color and light in computer graphics is analyzed. The capacities and principles of the RGB color model, the possibilities of using the spatial HSV-model in graphic editors and the algorithms for converting color components between HSV and RGB color models are revealed. The existing approaches to solving the problems of teaching painting using graphic editors are identified. A universal computer system for tablet devices is designed and developed. It provides the opportunity to practice drawing with various painting techniques thanks to training materials with a detailed sequence of actions. It also has the necessary tools for quick sketches and detailed depictions, for working with different areas in design and painting, and also provides its customization options. The developed software product can be used to train artists and designers of any level of training. It allows you to implement ideas and sketches of future paintings quickly and to perform contemporary works. The development trends and prospects of using the designed graphic editor among the target audience are investigated.


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