
  • О.О. YURKO



systems of automatic control of the technological process, modeling, free forming, sheet stamping


This work considers the possibility of automating one of the key elements of the technological process of manufacturing thick-walled sheet parts with rifts by the stamping method, namely, transportation and positioning of the workpiece. Automation of the manufacturing process of thick-sheet parts, including those obtained by means of free forming processes, from structural and special steels, is an urgent task of modern mechanical engineering. The composition and sequence of the main operations of the generalized technological process of automated manufacturing of such parts is known and may have several classic solutions, but it is obvious that the key point is the stage of manufacturing the part from the blank, since the possibility of its automation and its control in real time is a crucial link of the automation system of everything process as a whole. Such a vision regarding the solution of the mentioned question and its further research and modeling in the conditions of the existing equipment of real domestic productions, which remained for the time being in working condition, made it possible to build the proposed structure of the automated workpiece positioning system. The proposed structure of the system of automated movement and positioning of the workpiece and the manufactured part at all stages of the technological process of its manufacture, which is based on the use of a roller conveyor without a drive. The functional scheme and algorithm of work of the authorized system of transportation and positioning of the workpiece were developed, and its simulation was carried out in the Labview environment. The simulation results showed the possibility of implementing the process using a gravity roller conveyor without a drive with a driver that moves the workpiece. The created virtual device for simulating the process of moving an object along the working field with monitoring its position with the help of discrete sensors proved the possibility of choosing rational values of specified speeds in different sections to eliminate unwanted transient processes and minimize the time of delivery of the object to a given section of the working place.


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