


geometric modeling, manifold, multiparameter dependence, steady state of the power grid


Energy efficiency and energy saving, energy security, monitoring, diagnostics and management of energy processes and equipment are currently particularly relevant issues in the energy industry. The energy system of Ukraine has a number of problems that require both urgent and systemic solutions. This applies not so much to capacities and generation, but to the "arteries" of the system, which include high-voltage transmission lines, power distribution systems, transformers, substations, and those devices that ensure the transportation of electrical energy from generation to the consumer. To ensure the European level of customer service, the energy industry needs systematic modernization of distribution networks. One of the components of a complex solution to the above-mentioned problem is the development of methods for finding all possible modes in networks of arbitrary configuration when calculating stable modes of electrical networks. A number of works are dedicated to the theory of creating geometric models of multidimensional space, to the development of methods and means of their research, which confirm its effectiveness in the automated modeling of modern production processes. Computer graphic modeling allows you to ensure the completeness and visibility of the research being conducted, expands the possibilities of forecasting, analysis and process management. Existing methods of calculation allow finding one or, in the best case, several separate solutions. The use of the proposed method of geometric modeling of stable modes of direct current electric networks with n consumers in the form of corresponding multispecies as models of complex multiparameter dependencies allows to create algorithms for calculating such modes. It also allows automated modeling of multi-parameter processes of various physical nature in energy. Geometric means of solving the applied problem of calculating steady-state modes of electrical networks illustrate the wide possibilities of geometric modeling of the studied dependence in the form of a manifold, which guarantees the completeness of the solution and its clarity.


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