


empirical system, regions of Ukraine, GDP


In recent years, the emphasis on the analysis of regional and economic development has faced constant challenges due to the continuous evolution of theories and models, making the identification of development indicators a complicated task. However, amidst this diversity of concepts and theories, the concept of territorial capital stands out as the most widely used in the analysis of regional development. Its essence lies in extending the conventional indicators of importance, such as productive capital, human capital, accessibility, infrastructure, and land, through new indicators describing social capital, such as innovativeness, the level of corruption, and the intensity of social relations. This concept allows for a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of various aspects of regional competitiveness, considering both material and social factors [1]. It is through this approach that a more complete picture of the processes occurring at the level of individual regions can be obtained. For example, analyzing social capital enables consideration not only of economic indicators but also of the level of cooperation, innovativeness, aspects of trust within society, and the level of interaction among citizens [2]. The application of the concept of territorial capital becomes particularly important amid contemporary geopolitical challenges and economic difficulties. Ukraine, situated at the center of geopolitical tension, serves as a notable example of the influence of such factors on regional development. Against the backdrop of conflict with neighboring Russia and its accompanying consequences, such as sanctions and economic constraints, it is crucial to consider aspects of regional development through the lens of territorial capital. Among these aspects are the deepening of corrupt processes, weak institutions, and governance, posing serious challenges to the effective functioning of regions. Therefore, research in this direction may prove not only relevant but also necessary for understanding the interconnection between geopolitical and economic difficulties and their impact on regional development.


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