


pedestrian zones, shaped paving elements, wedge-shaped elements, lower base, vertical load, subsidence


The most common type of pavements for pedestrian areas are pavements made of shaped paving elements (SPE). They have many advantages over other types of coatings. Coatings are subject to requirements regarding their reliability and ensuring quality indicators. But sometimes during visual inspections of pedestrian areas, deformations of various types are observed. One of the reasons for these damages is an incorrectly chosen constructive solution of the covering. Therefore, it is necessary to look for and research new, more effective options for the construction of pedestrian zones. It is proposed to change the geometric shape of the SPE by using three wedge-shaped elements in their lower base, which will increase the surface area that is in contact with the lower layer of the coating. Because of this, it will be possible to transfer the increased vertical load to the bearing layers. Wedge-shaped elements will prevent the horizontal shift of the SPE when an external horizontal load is applied to the coating surface. The new shape of the lower base will contribute to the additional compaction of the layer of loose material located below when installing the SPE, which will lead to their more rigid fixation. Thus, the proposed form of the lower base of the SPE will help to increase the load-bearing capacity of the coatings and preserve the initial position of the blocks in space, which will lead to an increase in the service life of such coatings without repair. It is planned to carry out experimental studies of new coating options in laboratory conditions. The main factors affecting the operational characteristics of the coating are defined. These factors are chosen as: angles at the edges of the wedge-shaped elements (in the cross section), the magnitude of the vertically applied load, the time of the load, the thickness of the sand layer under the coating. Selected materials and equipment for research. A 4-factor three-level model of abbreviated experimental design was selected. It is planned to investigate four areas of SPE coatings, three of which have wedge-shaped elements in the lower base with the corresponding values of the angles, and one – a traditional of samples with a flat lower surface.


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