


software architecture, digital twin, new safe confinement, forecasting, management, thermogas-dynamic processes, radiation state


The New Safe Confinement (NSC) is a protective structure built over the existing "Shelter" facility, which includes a complex of technological equipment for the removal of materials containing nuclear fuel, radioactive waste management and other systems from the destroyed fourth power unit of the ChNPP, intended for the implementation of activities for the transformation of this object unit into an environmentally safe system. The roof and walls of the "Shelter" facility have a large number of cracks through which air and radioactive aerosols penetrate into the main volume of the NSC, and from there into the environment. Unsteady thermo-gasodynamic processes of heat convection and air movement occur due to temperature differences that depend on the season and the work regime of the personnel during the dismantling of rubble inside the NSC. The need to manage air humidity to extend the life of NSC and ensure radiation safety requires the development of specialized information technologies. The purpose of this paper is to develop a software architecture for forecasting and management of thermogas-dynamic processes and the radiation state of the ChNPP based on the technology of digital twins. An analysis of the architecture and functionality of the existing integrated management system (ISM) of the NSC was carried out. Taking into account the insufficient level of implementation of the needs for visualization and forecasting in the ISM of the NSC, the need to use its data as a basis for solving the tasks of visualization, forecasting and management with the help of a digital twin is indicated. The main requirements for the construction of a digital twin of the NSC are determined, and based on an overview of the main types of digital twins and available approaches to the formation of their architecture, a generalized structural diagram of a digital twin of the NSC is presented.


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