employment sphere, workforce, socio-economic development strategy, state policy, assessment of losses and damages, war in UkraineAbstract
The article examines and summarizes approaches to assessing losses in the employment sphere of Ukraine as a result of military actions. The negatives and losses generated by the armed conflict will have a direct or indirect long-term impact on the quality of national human potential reproduction, its productive implementation in business and non-economic spheres of life. The development of methodological and methodical approaches to the systematization of losses in the employment sphere of Ukraine due to military operations on its territory will create the prerequisites for the most complete consideration of the urgent and remote problems and risks generated by them in the consistent strategy and state policy of post-war revival, as well as the acceleration of socio-economic development. In this context, it is appropriate to allocate public costs for ensuring the functioning and maintenance of the employment sphere under martial law conditions, some of which are forced within the framework of the fastest possible increase in the efficiency of the country’s economy functioning according to the criteria of optimizing its crisis resistance and defense capability. At the same time, we should single out direct losses in the employment sphere during the war, caused primarily by: the workforce death or disability; destruction, reduction of enterprises, institutions, as well as job offers in the territories of hostilities and in the regions of the civilian population mass evacuation; expenses for wages, compensations, targeted assistance for employees, entrepreneurs, self-employed who were forced to be unemployed. Indirect losses from the armed conflict include: a decrease in labor productivity and wages, a reduction in total and paid working hours, an increase in personnel turnover, the spread of structural unemployment, workforce marginalization and disqualification in territorial communities; losses from causing damage to life, health, reproduction, psycho-physiological, professional and qualification, as well as other components of the workforce productive potential in the multi-term perspective of the post-war period; various manifestations of the deterioration of the socio-economic environment of the workforce living and reproduction generated by military actions. In terms of the impact on the prospects of post-war revival and socio-economic development acceleration of Ukraine, the most significant are the losses in the employment sphere due to: death, disability, reduction of life expectancy, deterioration of the quality of living, reproduction, professional and qualification potential of the workforce; destruction, reduction of the production base, destruction of schemes and mechanisms of supply, sales, logistics of enterprises, institutions, certain economic activities and specialization branches of territorial economic subsystems and the country as a whole; increase in business insurance and investment risks.
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