



higher education, funding, student loan, preferential lending, indicative prices


The article is devoted to the analysis of higher education funding in OECD countries and in Ukraine. The analysis showed an asymmetry in the distribution of budgetary and private sources of funding for higher education in the OECD countries. So, the group of countries, where higher education is mostly paid (private funding is 60 percent or more), includes: Great Britain, Colombia, Japan, Australia, the USA, Korea and Chile; the group of countries, that provide mostly free higher education (private funding is 20 percent or less) are Germany, Sweden, Slovenia, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Austria, Finland, Luxembourg, and Norway. In other OECD countries the ratio of private and public funding of higher education is the same on average. Mechanisms of crediting education in groups of countries where private and state funding prevails, are considered: it can be provided at the expense of private banking institutions, or be carried out on the basis of state crediting programs. Sources of higher education funding in Ukraine are analyzed. It was determined that the share of state funding of higher education in Ukraine has a tendency to decrease. Taking into account the background of the introduction of indicative prices for the most popular majors (the Order is suspended during martial law) and the decrease in the purchasing power of the population, the need for additional sources of funding is increasing. On the one hand, lending through private financial institutions is quite expensive, on the other hand, the mechanism of preferential state lending in Ukraine has not gained wide popularity among the population and is characterized by a low level of economic efficiency for the state. This makes it necessary to study the leading experience of the OECD countries regarding the introduction of effective mechanisms of financial support for higher education, in particular, educational lending.


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