


electric drive, electromechanical system, elastic mechanical vibrations, dynamic loads, damping, twomass system, automatic control system, controller, interrelation, interaction, generalized indicators


The decision of actual task of choosing the optimal parameters of electromechanical systems of electric drives of technological machines to improve their dynamic qualities, in particular, according to the criterion of minimum oscillation of transients. It is shown that the parameters characterizing a particular type of electric drive with maximum damping and minimum dynamic loads are determined by the laws of electromechanical interconnection. This makes it possible to use the specific property of damping elastic mechanical vibrations by the electric drive itself. Most of the existing synthesis methods involve the use of classical optimization algorithms, which are focused on minimizing the response of the electric drive under the action of elastic vibrations. With this approach, moment fluctuations in the elastic link are interpreted as the action of external forced vibrations on the electric motor. The work focuses on the fact that in electromechanical systems it is generally necessary to consider related processes during the interaction of oscillations in an electromagnetic and mechanical electric drive. Based on the regularities of the resonant electromechanical interaction of processes in the electromagnetic and mechanical subsystems of the drive, it is proposed to use generalized indicators, which fully corresponds to the synergistic approach. As a result of research, it is shown that when optimizing two-mass electric drives according to the criterion of the minimum fluctuation of the main coordinates, the settings of the parameters of the automatic control system must be performed taking into account the effects of resonant electromechanical interaction caused by the coefficient of distribution of inertial masses γ. The method of synthesizing an electric drive with an astatic system of subordinate regulation with active damping of elastic mechanical vibrations, which is achieved by choosing the appropriate ratio of dynamic parameters during the implementation of resonant electromechanical interaction processes and allows to ensure the optimality of transient processes according to the criterion of minimum oscillations, has received further development. The implementation of the proposed optimal calculation ratios for adjusting the speed regulator during optimization is based on the compensation of the influence of elastic forces by inertial forces and can be recommended for adjusting the subordinate regulation systems of electric drives of a wide class of technological machines.


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