


human factor, flight safety, special situation, aircraft, aircraft commander, control reconfiguration, logicalpsychological and psychophysiological state


The work presents the conceptual foundations of innovative methods in the field of improving the safety of aircraft flights (aircraft) in conditions of uncertainty. The concept of a system-interrelated structure "Aircraft-automatic control system-crew-environment-special situation" was introduced. The structure of the possible convergent control of the aircraft in the conditions of the occurrence of a special situation (OS) in flight is proposed. In the event of an emergency situation (Emergency) in the air, the commander of the aircraft (KPS) forms a flight image corresponding to the specific current case by reproducing: the model of the emergency, which is actually developing, in flight; a model similar to the NS, practiced on the simulator; models of inconsistency of the situation that is actually developing, the required model of the regular flight of the aircraft; models of actions of the KPS (crew), which parries the development of emergency situations. The identity of the parrying flight situation and its interpretation by the crew within the framework of a sudden change in the standard flight regime depends on the depth of the theoretical study of the cause of the emergency in flight, its development and the solidity of the mastered skills practiced on the simulator for parrying typical systems and their further development. Accordingly, prerequisites are created for the content of the theoretical analysis of the causes of emergencies in flight and for the depth of practicing the skills of emergency reproduction. Taking into account the human role in the success of emergency reproduction, it can be argued that measures to prevent loss of situational awareness can be divided into two main groups: training and preparation of crews for actions in an emergency with standard on-board systems of the aircraft; improvement of on-board systems and development of requirements for them.The first group is characterized by situational awareness, that is, human actions in the circuit "aircraft – automated control system – crew – environment – special situation". At the same time, the most important role is played by the characteristics of the pilot – professional reliability and professional survivability. Thus, the results of studies of these characteristics can play a special role in creating new methodologies, forms and methods of preventing aviation events and their prerequisites.


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