



dry construction mixture, formulation, operational characteristics, modifying admixture, experimental design, experimental statistical modeling, multi-criteria optimization


The proposed article is concerned with the scientific justification of the dry construction mixtures formulation. The formulation of dry construction mixture for masonry works (as mineral-polymer composition) with the given quality parameters was developed through the methods of computer construction materials science: experimental-statistical modeling and multi-criteria optimization. A set of recipe factors affecting the quality of the construction mixture was formed and then the content of the modifying admixture was selected as a variable parameter. Based on the results of preliminary screening, a set of consumer properties of the construction mixture (namely compressive strength, mobility of the construction mixture, water-holding capacity, density of soluble mixtures, porosity) was selected as quality criteria. The active experimental design matrix was prepared and active experiments were carried out to obtain numerical values of quality criteria. Polynomial models "qualitative and quantitative composition of the mixture vs quality parameters of masonry mortar" were built and statistically verified by analysis of variance (ANOVA) approach. Using the Harrington desirability function-based numerical method of multicriteria optimization, quality criteria optimal (compromise) values were found that correspond to the optimum of a set of mixture quality criteria and the corresponding ratio of mixture components was determined. In the course of presented research based on parametric identification of experimental-statistical models using multiobjective optimization methods, quality parameters of dry construction mix for masonry work were proposed, taking into account current standards and requirements of manufacturers and consumers. As the outcome of research, the optimal composition of the dry construction mixture for masonry works was obtained: cement 15%; modifying admixture 0.035%; water 0.126%; sand 52%. At the next stage of research, it is planned to study the sensitivity of the obtained optimal solution to changes in the composition of raw materials.


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