hemp fibers, textile footwear, experimental wearing, questioning, qualitative propertiesAbstract
In this paper, on the basis the existing methodology for experimental wearing of shoes, a new method for assessing the performance properties of shoes with uppers based on technical hemp fibers has been developed. According to the developed methodology, the results of a study of the quality indicators of all components of the shoe upper fabric, the conditions for experimental wearing, seasonality, environmental factors and the intensity of operation were taken into account. Compiled questionnaires for participants in experimental wearing, which reflect all the positive and negative aspects of the operation of shoes. The prototypes were used for six months (from April to October), because this type of footwear is not insulated, so it cannot be used in the cold months of the year. During this period, their size and completeness, hygroscopicity and contamination were determined in laboratory conditions every month. The results of the survey were verified and confirmed by laboratory studies of the quality indicators of shoes, which were carried out at certain time intervals. Based on the results of this experiment, a new textile shoe with an upper fabric based on technical hemp was tested. The size in dynamic conditions during the entire period of operation increased by 0.06%, and the width of the shoe by 0.01%, depending on the data of previous measurements before experimental wear, the contamination increased by only 1.5%, and the hygroscopicity remained unchanged at 15%. The obtained qualitative indicators of new shoes have the best consumer properties of existing models of shoes made from this type of fiber.
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