emulsion, cosmetic silicone, polydimethylsiloxane, amodimethicone, colloidal stability, thermal stability, mechanical stability, sensory characteristics, Scoring methodAbstract
The paper presents the results of studies of the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of cosmetic emulsions developed using silicone compositions in order to obtain systems with optimal stability and consumer characteristics. Small-component direct emulsions based on the mineral oil and the compositions of the BRB International BV (Netherlands) brand silicones, that are Silicone Oil 350 cSt – individual silicopolydimethylsiloxane and BRB 1288 – mixed amodimethicone, were used as the objects of the study. Determination of colloidal and thermal stability and pH of the studied emulsions was carried out according to the methods that are given in the regulatory and technical documentation for cosmetic creams. The mechanical stability of the emulsions was determined using a rotational viscometer Rheotest – 2 by establishing the dependence of the applied shear stress on the shear rate. The Scoring method was used to determine the sensory characteristics of the skin after application of the emulsions. The moisture content in the skin was determined using a combined highly sensitive tester "Skin Analyzer". As a result of the research, the influence of a different ratio of selected silicones in the compositions of the obtained cosmetic emulsions on their colloidal and thermal stability, as well as the pH of the medium, was established. The mechanical stability of the studied emulsions was also studied, which characterizes their ability to be destroyed in the process of irreversible deformation, and the composition of the emulsion, which has the highest mechanical stability, was established. The results of the study of the sensory characteristics of the skin made it possible to determine the composition of the emulsion, which provides high sensory performance and skin moisture.
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