security, global security, international security, international relations, collective security, food securityAbstract
The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the study of the relationship between the concepts of «international security», «collective security» and «global security». The author clarified that international security is a state of international relations in which the conditions necessary for the existence and functioning of states are created while ensuring their full sovereignty, political and economic independence, the ability to resist military and political pressure and aggression, their equal relations with other states. At the same time, global security assumes a somewhat broader meaning, because it covers not only ensuring international security, but also environmental global security, energy global security, etc. The author drew attention to the fact that, in general, collective security focuses attention on military-strategic problems and is not aimed at solving other aspects of international security (economic, social, environmental problems). This limits the possibilities of using this model in modern conditions. Thus, collective security is a system of measures regulated by international treaties and aimed at ensuring protection against corrective types of threats and dangers. Collective security is a specific type of security that is based on current international legal documents and clear regulations. Global security consists of many spheres of life of global importance, in particular: political, economic, ecological, military, food security, as well as problems of a demographic nature, economic activity, growth of human potential and security of each person. The article defines that global security is a system of measures aimed at preventing and minimizing global dangers and challenges and the formation of peaceful coexistence on the planet. The author found out that the concept of «global security» is broader than the concepts of «national security», «collective security» and «international security», because global security is a state of protection of the world community that creates safe conditions for the existence and development of life activities of all mankind , which varies widely, including aspects from military control, disarmament and non-proliferation, to conflict resolution, peacekeeping missions and post-conflict dialogues.
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