


statistical analysis, Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn


The article presents a study of tools for implementing primary statistical data analysis on the use of university network computing resources. Modern researches on the data analysis on the computing resources use and ways to implement results of them are studied in it. Moreover, peculiarities of monitoring the use of higher education institutions computing resources are described. Also, features of malware consumption of computing resources are described in this research. The article discusses a possibility of using Python tools for analysing the hardware and technical state of a university network and the computing resources consumption. Thus, it proposes an architecture of a database for storing the obtained data on the use of computing resources. In addition, a description of fields that store the main data is given: the use of the central and graphics processors, the load of RAM, and the data storage device filling. The authors analysis possibilities of the Pandas library in a context of primary statistical data analysis on the use of computing resources. Moreover, features of the DataFrame data storage structure are investigated in this research. Therefore, article describes methods of loading data from the database into the DataFrame structure and means of dynamic data display with Jupyter Notebook. Also, the authors consider a method of implementing primary statistical analysis, namely the calculation of: minimum, maximum, average, quartiles, mode, median. In addition, a description of the use of the Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries for visualizing the results is given. The publication considers possibility of using histograms to compare monitoring results for several different days and building a scatter plot based on the obtained data on the use of computing resources. The main advantages of using the developed software are highlighted: the ability to determine the interrelationships of indicators, diagnose the presence of malware and predict the necessary computing resources for the correct operation of the university network. Further ways of development of the proposed software for statistical data analysis on the use of computing resources of higher education institutions` computers are determined.


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