


collective farm head, agronomist, foreman, animal husbandry specialist


Based on scientific research and unpublished archival documents, historical sources of that time, the article examines the system of training managers, specialists, and middle-level personnel during the years of mass forcible collectivization in Soviet Ukraine. The large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the sovereign territory of the Ukrainian state on February 24, 2022 radically changed the paradigm of national self-awareness of the citizens of our state, and the issue of scientific research of the Soviet period of the history of Ukraine appeared in a new way. Soviet power was established in the form of an occupation regime from the side of Soviet Russia. Such an approach extends, obviously, to the study of the system of training managers in the villages of Soviet Ukraine in the 1930s. Thus, collectivization by Communist Party bodies was impossible without the provision of agriculture by these cadres. After all, the destruction of private property was carried out by force, in a criminal way, and a huge army of various supervisors was necessary for the collectivization processes to take place. Trained management personnel were those personalities who forcibly planted a completely foreign Soviet form of power in the villages of that time. They bear full responsibility for the crimes that occurred in the villages at that time. Time required rapid changes, long-term training was impossible, and the Soviet leadership is going to create various short-term courses and schools for training these personnel. This system of training managers and agricultural specialists gave certain quantitative indicators, but the qualitative side was sharply negative. Such a development did not correspond to the interests of Soviet Ukraine. Certain planned indicators were required from these personnel, which had to be achieved at any cost. It is quite natural that collectivization itself, as well as the army of those who provided it, were carried out in the 1930s in the form of an assault, despite the terrible human casualties of the famine-genocide of 1932-33. The results of such work in the villages of Soviet Ukraine were not simply inhibited the development of agricultural production, and undermined its basic principles of development for a long period of time.


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