information security, information hygiene, public speaking, rules of rhetoric, media literacy, conscious citizensAbstract
Based on the theory of the information field, in particular the provisions on information security, information hygiene, the moral aspect of presenting and disseminating information, rhetorical skill, the article analyzes the New Year's speech of the President of Ukraine V. Zelenskyi on the eve of 2023 – after more than three hundred days since the beginning of Russia's terrorist aggression in our country the country Through the general prism of the struggle of Ukraine against the imperial forces, the positive features of this oratorical text have been identified, which, on the one hand, directly affect the listener / reader, and on the other hand, provide truthful information in various levels – informational, psychological, social, emotional and rhetorical, which strengthens this positive influence. It is noted that the informational aspect of the text involves the provision of reliable information verified by the world media, the psychological aspect involves the impact of the presented material on the consciousness of the reader/listener, the social aspect is aimed at the formation and strengthening of national unity, which will help in the fight against the aggressor, the emotional aspect reveals the personal attitude of the speaker to the situation, rhetoric helps to create an influential speech text. It was concluded that, firstly, in the field of information security, it is necessary to fight both against the unreliability of internal information and against intentional disinformation on the part of the terrorist country, which is aimed at destabilizing Ukrainian society, forming distrust of the authorities and defence forces; secondly, in the plane of the quality of the information flow, it is necessary to develop media literacy, critically perceiving information, filtering it and correctly choosing the providers of information, thirdly, in the plane of presenting information, rhetorical skill is currently relevant – the ability to sincerely, persuasively, convincingly present facts, encouraging community to fight against the aggressor. Thus, in the text of the New Year speech of the President of Ukraine, various rhetorical devices and techniques are used – metaphor and hyperbole, repetition and antithesis, rhetorical statement and question, slogan-call, short phrases – monosyllabic and incomplete sentences, fourthly, in the analyzed text through informative, psychological, social, emotional and rhetorical aspects suggest thoughts necessary for national unity, formation of optimism, confidence of warriors in their strength and victory.
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