


rural areas, development, decentralization, governance, agriculture,


The introduction of the Smart Community concept can be an effective way to restore rural areas. Villages and towns are important elements of society and the economy, but their development often lags behind urban areas. The use of modern technologies and innovations can help make rural areas more attractive for living and business. In the context of russia's military aggression against Ukraine, the introduction of the Smart-community concept can help attract investment to restore rural areas in the post-war period, as well as provide new opportunities for the development of local businesses and ensure a higher standard of living for residents. The aim of the article is to determine the role of the introduction of the "smart-community" concept as one of the areas of post-war rural reconstruction in Ukraine. The research identified problems that may be caused by various factors, such as insufficient funding, insufficient attention to the development of agriculture and infrastructure in rural areas, insufficient qualifications and experience of employees in this area, etc. In the process of scientific work, comparative and structural research methods were applied. The concept of "Smart-community" is a promising model of rural development in the context of their post-war recovery. The main idea of this concept is to create an innovative and technologically advanced community that has access to the latest technologies and is able to use them in everyday life. The smart technology for rural restoration can help ensure more efficient use of resources, reduce distances between communities, and provide a comfortable and safe standard of living for residents in the post-war recovery of Ukraine. One of the key aspects of the Smart-community concept is the use of information technology and data collection to optimize various areas of community life, such as energy efficiency, water supply, waste management, healthcare, and others. This can help reduce infrastructure maintenance costs and improve the quality of life for residents. In addition, the use of "Smart-community" can support the development of local businesses, particularly in agriculture and tourism, which will help create new jobs and increase incomes. Thus, the introduction of the Smart-community concept could become the main driver of the post-war recovery of rural areas in Ukraine.


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Круглий стіл на тему «SMART-COMMUNITY як стратегія розвитку територіальних громад». URL:

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