


public governance, transport, transport infrastructure, state transport policy, state regulation of the transport industry


In the article, based on the analysis of an array of publications, related to various international and domestic aspects of state administration in the field of transport provision and state transport policy; strategic approaches and prospects for the functioning and development of transport infrastructure and transport enterprises of the country, the theoretical foundations of the vision of the role and place of the transport industry in the system of public governance of modern states are elaborated. It is noted that the timely supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with ammunition and everything necessary for victory depends on the nature of the development and functioning of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine in wartime; in peacetime, conditions are formed for increasing the state's GDP, increasing the volume of domestic and foreign trade, improving the investment climate, creating new jobs, developing related types of economic activity, full and high-quality satisfaction of the needs of business entities and the population in transportation, in the end – the course of acceleration of the European integration processes of our society. The effects of the influence of transport infrastructure and the transport industry as a whole on the economic condition and economic growth of modern states are considered in detail, substantiation of the need for state regulation of relations in the sphere of functioning of the transport industry with the help of a scientifically based transport policy, the principles and functions of such regulation. It was concluded that for countries that aspire not to be on the periphery of world history, there is an urgent need to improve and modernize the state transport policy, which would be able to effectively respond to existing challenges and threats, was aimed at creating prerequisites for the transition of the national transport industry to a new level, taking into account existing trends and prospects for the further development of transport systems and transport markets of the European Community and the world.


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