


potential, local democracy, democratic governance


This article examines the issue of implementing the principles of local democracy in the context of democratic governance. The essential characteristics of the concept of "local democracy" are revealed and it is indicated that the interpretation of this definition differs significantly in different countries, and accordingly the concept of relations between the local population and the state varies. It has been established that local democracy is the core of the functioning of local self-government, is based on democratic values, uses democratic mechanisms and is based on the active position of the local population. Among other things, it is stated that the implementation of local democracy is based on the normatively ensured ability of the territorial community to actively participate in solving issues of local importance, both at the national and local levels. It is proved that the impact of the potential of local democracy on democratic governance can be assessed through the active participation of citizens in solving problems at the local level, while public participation in political activity can be divided into two types: active and passive. The conclusion states that effective local democracy is a necessary condition for ensuring sustainable and fair economic and social development, promotion of democratic governance and promotion of democratic values. The practice of promoting local democracy and its influence on democratic governance prove that the components of the national model of local democracy in Ukraine should be the mechanisms for connecting the institutional structure of the community with the main socio-demographic groups. This link is quite weak in the context of the general trend of elitism of politics in Ukraine. Strengthening the relationship between socio-representative and actually political institutions and organizations is designed to ensure the internal stability and stability of the local political system, to focus it on internal rather than external tasks. The integration of local communities in Ukraine, not "from above", but "from below", should give local democracy greater representativeness, which will ultimately ensure a better quality of democratic governance.


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