


management of human capital development, motivational potential, motivational and need sphere of the individual, organizational development, labor activity


In the article, based on the analysis of scientific research in the field of adaptive and motivational management, it is substantiated that the management of the development of the human capital of the organization is a system of coordinating the mutual influences of management subjects and personnel based on the establishment of partnership relations, interactive interaction, self-management and self-organization through the development and implementation of flexible motivational and stimulating models of the labor activity of employees in order to adapt their personal and professional motives and needs to management requirements and standards of work quality established by the organization. As a result, the labor productivity of employees increases, as their value attitude towards professional actions is formed, capable of reproducing the internal need of the individual to be socially useful and competitive in the foreign market. It was determined that the basis of managing the development of the organization's human capital is the motivational potential. The content components of this concept and their basic meanings have been studied. It is proven that the motivational effect of management potential lies in mutually agreed and mutually determined goals of professional development of each employee and the labor team as a whole and strategic development of the organization. In turn, we understand the potential as a technological resource of motivating and stimulating managerial influence on the employee in the process of his personal and professional development, necessary to ensure high labor productivity as one of the conditions for the formation of the organization's competitiveness. The content of managerial activity aimed at the development of human capital is outlined and characterized, in particular its components: structuralfunctional, regulatory-legal, diagnostic, operational, informational-communication, which together practically embody the motivational potential and encourage management subjects to enrich it and modernization, which contributes to the complete transformation of the entire management system of the organization in relation to the new socio-economic conditions of business.


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