



region, convergence, integration, convergence, types, classification


The article examines convergent relations at different hierarchical levels of the international economic system. It was established that the construction of a typology of regions is important both for the systematic description and diagnosis of the socio-economic state of the regions, and for the implementation of the tasks of state regional policy. It is substantiated that methods, mechanisms and measures for regional development and convergence should take into account the peculiarities of the development of types of regions, which are distinguished taking into account economic, social, geopolitical and other important conditions. A typology of regions based on convergent features was formed and they were systematized with existing species. The convergence classification of regions is substantiated and their author's classification is proposed. It was established that the convergence of regions can cover quantitative and qualitative categories, can be considered in time, by the degree of influence on the object of research, by scale and power, which collectively forms an understanding of convergent elasticity as an indicator of the variability of the form and territorial diversity of its manifestation. Synchronization of the classification features of regions and regional convergence through the creation of three groups of classification features is substantiated, which will ensure coordination of actions between different regions. It has been established that the definition of the typology of regions and the convergence between them makes it possible to form a vision for further cooperation between regions, to highlight their weaknesses and strengths, the same criteria for identifying the common features of regions, in the future it will allow to make comparisons between different territories and to identify areas that need a balanced development It was determined that effective socio-economic development of regions should be achieved under the condition of organic combination of regional economic systems as a single whole, which will ensure balance and optimal structure of regional economy.


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