



error, measurement, torque, electric motor, autocorrection, device, accuracy


The article deals with the problem of detecting systematic errors arising in voltage converters. Such errors can affect the accuracy of measuring devices, which, in turn, is a critical component in ensuring their reliable and efficient operation. Ways to solve the problem of correcting systematic errors are considered by analyzing algorithms and methods of processing measurement data. The importance of solving this problem in the general concept of measurements is revealed. A classification of systematic errors is proposed, which can help in understanding their nature and impact on measurement results. Special attention is paid to the method based on the stabilization of the transformation function in order to reduce the sensitivity to destabilizing factors. The method is based on a neural network, which expands the possibilities of diagnostics and control of electric motors by determining the torque by parameters such as voltage, current and angular velocity. The proposed method takes into account the nonlinearity of the measuring channel, which is a critically important aspect when working with electric motors. Nonlinearity can arise as a result of the interaction of various physical processes in the system. This opens up new perspectives in the field of industrial automation, as accurate determination of torque is critical for optimizing the operation of electromechanical systems. During the research, it was found that the application of this method allows not only to predict the torque, but also to significantly improve the quality of measurements by filtering the measuring channel. Filtering the measuring channel made it possible to reduce the influence of external factors, such as noise, voltage fluctuations, temperature changes and others, which can distort the measurement results.


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