


resource, machine parts, SHS process, charge, composite material, plasma spraying, coating, structure, phase composition, microhardness, wear resistance, carbide


The structure and properties of plasma-sputtered coatings based on a self-fluxing alloy of the Ni-Cr-B-Si system of PG-10N-01 grade modified with a material obtained by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS process) were investigated. Powders of titanium (Ti), carbon black (C), aluminium powder (Al), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and aluminium oxide (Al2O3), iron oxide (Fe2O3) and PT-NA-01 thermosetting powder were used as the primary components of the modifying composite material. The mechanical activation of the charge was performed in the KM-1 ball mill for 15 minutes, at 130 rpm and a ratio 1:40 of the charge weight to the grinding media weight. The SHS process was initiated by the heat of a red-hot nichrome helix of diameter 0.8 mm in an argon (Ar) medium. The plasma sputtering process was carried out on the MPN-004 microplasma-based sputtering system, at a current of 45 A, voltage 30 В, with a distance of 100 mm on a 65G steel sample of thickness 3 mm. Argon (Ar) was used as a plasma-forming and shielding gas, with a flow rate of 70 l/h and 280 l/h, respectively. In the course of the work, the microstructure of the sputter-deposited coatings was studied using metallographic analysis and electron microscopy, their X-ray phase analysis was carried out, and their microhardness and wear resistance were determined. It was found that plasma sputtering of the composite material resulted in the formation of coatings with a dense and multiphase structure. The composition of the PG-10N-01 coating includes a solid solution of γ-Ni with nickel boride (Ni3B). With the addition of a modifying composite material, along with γ-Ni with nickel boride (Ni3B), titanium carbide (TiC) and diboride (TiB2), as well as silicon carbide (SiC), were found in the coating, which led to an increase in the microhardness of the coating and its higher wear resistance in the process of abrasive wear. The developed composite material is recommended for strengthening the surfaces of machine parts that are used in abrasive environments.


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