freight transportation, circular route, transportation efficiency, fuel consumption, route, transport networkAbstract
In this paper, we propose a model for optimizing the process of liquefied gas transportation by road transport of the gas supply enterprise of the Kherson region is proposed due to the creation of a more efficient route for the movement of cargo vehicles. When optimizing cargo transportation for each specific enterprise and specific region of the country, individual approaches should be applied, taking into account the parameters of this model, especially this applies to such an important type of cargo as gas. In the practice of freight transportation, the main thing is a set of actions aimed at solving the problems of reducing the cost of freight transportation and reducing the time of cargo delivery. One of the directions of such actions is the method of construction and use of ring routes. Creating a circular route increases the useful use of mileage. For the gas supply company under study, the existing traffic scheme was analyzed, the main parameters of the transportation model were collected, and based on the obtained data, the creation of a new traffic model was proposed, for which the main quantitative indicators were calculated: driving time, fuel consumption, average technical speed, dist ance covered , transportation costs, and a numerical comparison of the old and new routes was made, taking into account the necessary safety requirements for gas transportation. The comparative analysis allows us to state that the proposed traffic model is more efficient than the existing one due to the qualitative variable of the model parameters, in particular – an increase in the average technical speed, a decrease in working time and vehicle mileage, a decrease in fuel costs and, accordingly, in total transportation costs, while there is also a decrease cargo delivery time, which is certainly important for final consumers of transported gas.
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