


plastic deformation, modelling, mechanical properties, profiled tubular products


In this work, the computer modelling of the geometry of the helical profile of long-dimensional tubular parts in the form of conjugations of various curves, as a repeating regular contour, which is described analytically with the determination of the points of contact of each conjugation and the transition from one curve to another, is considered. With the help of the “Profile Generator” software, parametric generation of a number of profiles in the periodic conjugation of involute curves – straight line – circle (arc) was performed. For the selected types of profile, technological equipment is used for the production of long tubular products with an internal channel of helical geometry and selected types of geometric conjugations of profile curves. An internal mandrel is used, which ensures the manufacture of long tubular products by methods of cold plastic deformation by external pressing of a cylindrical work piece on it by longitudinal and transverse rolling with rollers according to various technological schemes. The advantages and disadvantages of each proposed method are identified, the main laws that affect the mechanical properties of finished products are established. Specified power factors for the machining process where the model “processed part – tool” as a whole is considered. Proposed and implemented processing by external rolling on a profile mandrel with four, three and one roller loading device. The classification of the most common profiled tubular products with complex geometry of both the inner and outer surfaces in various industries and domestic use has been developed, and the existing methods of their production with the appropriate technological equipment, deformation properties of the material and structure are given.


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