


coke chemical effluents, liquid waste, phenol-containing effluents, phenols, glauconite, Geotube geotextile containers


This paper analyzes the dangerous impact of aromatic hydrocarbons from phenol-containing waters of coke plants. The relevance of the extraction of organic toxicants from the liquid waste of coke chemical enterprises during the purification of phenolic effluents, which are fed to coke quenching towers, is considered. Due to the insufficient depth of treatment of industrial effluents at the mechanical stage of biochemical treatment, a significant amount of phenolic pollutants enters the atmosphere, and with rainwater falls into water bodies, which poses an ecological threat in industrial cities. Quantitative ratio of waste waters of coke chemical enterprises by sources of formation is given and sediments formed during processing of liquid waste at a biochemical treatment plant are characterized, using the example of PJSC «DKHZ», Kamіanske. An ecologically safe technology of adsorption processing of liquid waste in flotation reactors has been developed, with the help of which it is possible to reduce the negative impact of toxicants on the subsequent of biochemical treatment by activated sludge and bring the MPC of toxic substances to regulatory values. The natural sorption material glauconite was characterized, with the addition of a regular dose of flocculant to phenol-containing effluents in flotation devices, to reduce the concentration of pollutants and the formation of sediments with their subsequent removal. It is proposed to reduce the water content in the sediments, which will allow to expand the possibilities of its utilization. The characteristics of sediments, which are a suspension that is released in the process of mechanical, biological and physico-chemical treatment of wastewater, are given. The results of a preliminary test of sediment dehydration with the help of geotextile containers in laboratory conditions are presented, the initial moisture content of which was 92%, and after using Geotube containers for 10 days, the sediment moisture content decreased to 50%. It is proposed to implement sediment processing at coke-chemical enterprises using Geotube geotextile container technology. The stages of dewatering using the Geotube technology are described: filling with sludge suspension; dehydration; consolidation – drying of the obtained sediment. Step-by-step illustrated instructions for laying geotextile containers are provided.


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