


cryptanalysis, cryptography, cipher, combinatorial optimization, algorithm, metaheuristics


Cryptographic protection of information is an important component of information security. The development of new methods of cryptanalysis helps to understand the limits of stability of existing cryptosystems. Modern cryptanalysis relies on various mathematical disciplines, in particular, on the theory and methods of optimization. Taking into account the generally accepted requirements for the stability of ciphers, the decryption problem can be considered as a combinatorial optimization problem. Methods and algorithms of combinatorial optimization today play an important role in research related to a range of problems directly affecting information security. The task of cryptographic protection of information is solved by creating new and improving existing encryption algorithms. On the other hand, the rapidly growing capabilities of computer technology open up practical prerequisites for the implementation of cryptanalysis technologies that were not available before. In particular, up-to-date cryptanalysis technologies include the use of optimization randomized algorithms for intelligent exploration of the search space in order to obtain an acceptable result. It is theoretically justified that such algorithms, under certain conditions, allow obtaining a solution when the probability of success is very small. The main tool for analyzing the effectiveness of optimization randomized algorithms is a computational experiment. Analysis of the possibility, features and limits of the use of metaheuristic algorithms by cryptanalysts indicates the prospect of using the metaheuristic approach as a universal method of cryptanalysis. The paper substantiates the need for the development of new methods of cryptanalysis using metaheuristics, contains a retrospective review of publications in the last period in this area. The number of publications indicates the relevance of the research direction.


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