


new safe confinement, digital twin, ventilation control, software model


To protect the population and the surrounding environment from the consequences of the accident at the CHNPP, a special building called the “Shelter facility” was built in 1986. Considering that the “Shelter facility” was designed to be used only for 30 years, a new protective construction named “ New Safe Confinement” (NSC) was built and put into operation in 2019. This structure isolated the “Shelter object” from the environment and provided the possibility of its transformation into an ecologically safe system. One of the main tasks of NSC management is to prevent air leaks from its main volume to the environment through existing leaks and the ventilation system in the event of non-stationary thermogas- dynamic processes under the influence of wind and temperature changes. A specialized multi-level information system was developed to monitor and manage NSC processes. However, the need to visualize information about the state of the NSC, provide support for decision-making and automate the management of its processes determines the urgency of developing new information technologies. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use the modern technology of digital twins. The purpose of this paper is the development of approaches to the management of the ventilation system of the NSC and the design and software modeling of the digital twin for their implementation. An analysis of existing approaches to the management of NSC ventilation systems was carried out and a method of its automation was proposed through the use of fuzzy control tools and artificial neural networks based on an array of statistical information regarding the decisions made by the staff. Software models of the NSC’s digital twin have been created in the form of UML diagrams. The results of the paper can be used during the development of a digital twin of the NSC to support decision-making regarding the management of its processes and staff training.


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