distance learning, simulator-bot, higher educational institutionAbstract
The strategic goal of educational institutions is the development of an electronic educational resource for learning, where all participants in the educational process will have equal access to mastering and practical testing of the studied materials. One of the effective methods for improving the assimilation of theoretical material and practical skills is the use of exercise programs during the educational process. The article deals with the development of an educational simulator for the distance learning course “System Analysis and Theory of Decision-Making”. Methodology. Theoretical materials of the distance course, the PyCharm integrated software environment, and the Python programming language have been used. Results. In the work, a simulator program for the distance learning course “System Analysis and Decision Making Theory” has been implemented. Design and development is carried out in the PyCharm integrated environment in the Python programming language. The simulator program includes a theoretical reference, a condition of the problem, which is a task, and a number of sequential questions to solve it. Scientific novelty. The developed software product performs educational and monitoring functions. The simulator is implemented in the form of a chat bot in Telegram. The study proves that this application format is the most common among education seekers and does not require additional instructions. The methodology for developing program elements also demonstrates the step-by-step process to creating a simulator. Practical significance. The developed software product is implemented in the corresponding course of the distance learning system on the Moodle platform of the Poltava University of Economics and Trade and is recommended for use by applicants in the specialty “Computer Science” in the educational process when studying the discipline “System Analysis and Decision Making Theory” Innovative teaching methods help applicants to fill knowledge gaps on their own without the use of additional classroom time or the help of a teacher.
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