politics, cadres of managers, Soviet village, diaspora, terror, repression, Soviet dictatorshipAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the problem of research by scientists of the Ukrainian diaspora and foreign authors of the policy of the Soviet state in the field of training managers for the Ukrainian countryside at the end of the 1920s and 1930s. In particular, these researchers can be conditionally diversified into two large groups. The first – scientists of the Ukrainian diaspora of the pre-war, World War II and post-war periods. It is impossible to cover all the authors of this group in the analysis. Therefore, the studies of those who specialized exclusively in the study of certain issues are subject to study. So, this group includes the works of A. Zaporozhets, D. Andriivskyi, I. Mazepynets, S. Yaremenko, M. Sciborskyi, D. Solovya, I. Maistrenko, E. Pasternak, M. Prokop, L. Lysenko, S. Pidgayny, T. Gunchak. An important place is occupied by monographic studies of scientists of the Ukrainian diaspora written by collectives of authors. Such collective monographs, in particular, include, in a certain sense, the classic works “Crimes of Communist Moscow” (1960, Prolog publishing house), “Ukrainian Culture” (1940, Podebrady), “Ukrainian History” of Culture” (1964, Winnipeg), “In Half a Century of Soviet Power” (1968, Sarcel), “Encyclopedia of Ukrainian Studies” (1959, Paris- New York). The second group consists of studies of the outlined problems by foreign authors. In particular, this includes the works of O. Mak, F. Pigido, R. Conquest, D. Mace, P. Fitzpatrick, B. Raymond, M. Hogen, M. Belada, T. Kraus, A. Albrecht, R. Pipes. The mentioned individual and collective studies by scientists of the Ukrainian diaspora and foreign authors of the policy of the Soviet state in the field of training managers for the Ukrainian countryside in the late 1920s and 1930s constitute an important part of the historiography of the history of Ukraine and the history of Ukrainian culture. At the same time, it is important that with the declaration of the Independent Ukrainian State, historians gained access to these sources, because in Soviet times there was a strict ban on working with them. These historical works were kept in special closed collections of libraries. Only employees of the party apparatus, penal and supervisory bodies or persons with specially issued permits were allowed to use these funds.
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