


electoral system, proportional system, majoritarian system, electoral district, mixed system, election, representative body, quota


Analyzing the election legislation of Ukraine, one cannot fail to pay attention to the inconsistency in the issue of legal regulation of the election process. The shortcomings of domestic electoral systems lead to a decline in electoral culture (the spread of political corruption, absenteeism, etc.) and a decrease in the level of public trust in state authorities. Therefore, in the period of active constitutional and legal reform, there is an urgent need to develop effective electoral systems. Ukrainian scientists faced the question of choosing the most effective election technologies when conducting campaigns in the conditions of different election systems. The research revealed that the electoral system is a set of electoral procedures provided for by law, related to the formation of government bodies. Electoral systems are different modifications of two main types: majoritarian and proportional. The appropriate type of electoral system is formed on the basis of the right to vote. The purpose of the article was a comparative analysis of the current electoral systems of the countries of the world, in particular, using the example of the current electoral system in Ukraine. Conclusions were made that the representative system provides for the allocation of quotas from certain social groups in the representative body. The majoritarian system provides for elections, as a rule, in single-mandate constituencies and determining the winner based on the majority of votes received in the constituencies. The proportional system provides for elections based on party lists and the distribution of mandates between parties in proportion to the number of votes received by each of them within the electoral district. The mixed system provides for elections based on majoritarian and proportional principles. In turn, the electoral system in Ukraine is based on the legislation on the elections of the President, Verkhovna Rada and local authorities. The new electoral system marked the beginning of the political structuring of state and local self-government bodies.


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