local self-government service, public service, civil service, european integration reforms, decentralisation, political impartiality, swiss model of self-governmentAbstract
The article examines the issues of current challenges and problems related to the organization and functioning of the service in local self-government and identifies ways of improvement based on foreign experience. The author emphasizes the need to further reform the system of service in local self-government in Ukraine, as this is an important process for improving the quality and efficiency of employees’ work, as well as ensuring transparency, professionalism and trust in local self-government , which is also a problematic aspect in Ukraine. The analysis of the Swedish experience is used most deeply, in particular, such issues as legal regulation, powers of local self-government, professional training of employees to perform their duties and the system of remuneration. The conclusions of the article will contribute to the formation of a scientific and practical understanding of the role of service in local self-government in Ukraine. The results of the study can be used in the process of developing and implementing reforms aimed at improving the organization and functioning of the service in local self-government in Ukraine. The author analyzes in detail the problematic issues of Ukrainian realities through the prism of a number of innovations, including the lack of clear legal regulation, inefficient management system and personnel policy, as well as insufficient professional training of employees, and further possible options for the development of the public service system and local self-government in general. The impact of the reform on the efficiency and development of territorial communities and on the employees themselves, who will have to adapt to the new changes, is also noted.
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