public administration, food security, Russian-Ukrainian war, public-private partnership, precision agriculture, animal husbandry, self-organization, digital innovationsAbstract
The loss of the main components of food production in Ukraine as a result of the war leads to an increase in the probability of famine and a deterioration in the quality of the population's nutrition. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, producers and consumers of agricultural products and livestock were affected. In the conditions of the global world, this problem affects both Ukraine and foreign buyers of its products in this area. The national state has a traditional protective set of measures to ensure food security, but today innovative solutions are needed both in public administration and in the organization of the economy. The purpose of our scientific work is to determine the main directions of the state management of food security of Ukraine in the conditions of war, to analyze the trends in the development of food security at the national level, as well as to determine the optimal models of state-state relations for this area. As part of the research work, it was concluded that the main trends of public management of food security in Ukraine during the war could be identified as the transition from selective protectionism to the support of self-organization of food producers. As well as the main trends include the creation of conditions for the development of public-private partnership at the level of “state – small business – international organizations”. At the same time, important tasks in this area remain the development of the food security management system at the level of local self-government bodies and high-quality information work with the population to prevent panic over a potential food shortage. In conclusion, it is important to emphasize the importance of modernizing the public management of food security in the form of the involvement of a satellite surveillance system and digital calculations for making important state decisions in this area. At the same time, it is necessary to support the implementation of digital innovations for agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as for consumers of their products, in order to improve the quality and safety of this economic cycle as a whole.
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