population employment, medicine, state security, employment problems in the field of medicine, factors, ways to solve the employment problemAbstract
The article reveals the problematic aspects of employment in the field of medicine as a necessary prerequisite for ensuring the security of the state. The state of employment in the field of medicine was studied, taking into account the latest events in Ukraine, in particular the spread of the coronavirus disease pandemic. It has been established that the aggravation of modern problems of a global nature (the spread of epidemics, the exacerbation of military conflicts, the increase in the aging of society, etc.) cause the emergence of the need for medical care of an appropriate level, as well as for the qualitative reconstruction of personnel support in the field of health care, in particular, in improving the employment of the population in this sphere The problems of employment in the field of medicine in Ukraine are revealed, in particular, the reduction in the number of people employed in the field of medicine; deterioration of the authority of medical specialties; a significant reduction in the scope of training of medical workers; stable decrease in the population’s access to medical education; deterioration of the balance of the number of people employed in the field of medicine between urban and rural areas; insufficient level of motivation of medical workers for effective activity, which is caused by the imperfection of the system of its payment; a high share of employees of retirement age in the structure of personnel support in the field of medicine; uncontrolled migration processes among medical workers from Ukraine abroad. Factors influencing the state of employment in the field of medicine are given. Ways to solve the problem of employment in the field of medicine in Ukraine have been determined, in particular, the improvement of human resources in the field of health care through the implementation of improved educational programs; promoting the observance of the rights of workers employed in the field of medicine; overcoming obstacles in the direction of students’ access to obtaining a medical specialty; increase in the amount of funding for the development of the field of medicine in order to attract capital investments in the basic training of medical workers. Such measures will contribute to the creation of highly qualified and motivated personnel in the field of medicine, as well as increase its effectiveness, which will ultimately improve the employment situation in this field.
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