tourism, tourist and recreational industry, tourist industry, recreational industry, tourist, recreation, tourism, tourist marketAbstract
Despite the presence of a significant number of scientific papers, and research conducted by leading economists on the state and prospects of tourism and recreation, it remains relevant to generalize the essence of the category of “tourism and recreation”, study the impact of global factors on the tourism industry and solutions. Despite the difficult times for the country as a whole, the tourism industry continues to grow dynamically, increasing employment and directly and indirectly affects the infrastructure of the country's regions. The article considers theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “tourism” and “recreation” and proposes a scheme for forming the concept of tourism and recreation. The national level of influence on the development of tourist and recreational resources and no less effective and important influence of the regional level on the development of tourist and recreational resources are considered in detail. The essence of the influence of global factors on the tourism industry is considered. A number of similar factors that affect its development have been identified. The main reasons for the slowdown in the development of the tourism sector in Ukraine are analyzed. The social factor, the high level of which leads to an increase in the number of travelers, the economic factor, the positive dynamics of which causes the population to allocate more money for travel, scientific and technological progress, which increasingly emerges new opportunities to provide new and improve existing services, to increase high conditions of comfort and safety of travelers, political factor, which is based on a stable political situation in the country, demographic and international factors, religious factor, which is in the process of formation, the impact of material factors on the quality of tourism services, geographical and environmental factors will increase tourism demand, cultural, which represents the national culture to the world and builds uniqueness in the country and the seasonal factor in which seasonal fluctuations and climatic conditions of the country directly affect the demand for tourism product. Ways to solve the reasons that hinder the development of tourism are proposed.
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