



simulation modeling, system, design, algorithm, tools.


The work provides an overview of modern simulation software tools and their capabilities in relation to researching the mechanisms of functioning and management of production systems. The importance of simulation modeling in the design of complex systems is presented. One of the most promising areas of production planning and management is simulation modeling (IM), which allows obtaining qualitative and quantitative estimates of the possible consequences of decisions made. Simulation modeling can provide a solution to a variety of research tasks: – determination of a real algorithm for the operation of a specific system, taking into account the probabilistic characteristics of individual elements and signals; – calculation of statistical characteristics (average, maximum and minimum values, utilization ratio); – optimization of the structure or parameters of the studied system; – searching for failures and malfunctions in the real system and their causes; – creation of computer business games as components of decision support systems. The purpose of simulation modeling is to reproduce the behavior of the studied system based on the results of the analysis of the most significant connections between its elements. Any simulation model is a program or computer installation that describes the structure and behavior of a real system in time with the help of information technologies. Such models help to obtain statistics about the functioning of the system based on the input data received by the system. These models can be created using software, computer simulation systems. In this work, we consider simulation modeling on the example of discrete-event modeling. The paper presents the results of the market research of applied simulation modeling programs from the point of view of the possibility and expediency of using the latter in optimizing the maintenance of agricultural machinery. The main stages of the development of simulation programs and the peculiarities of modifying application programs at these stages are studied. Various simulation programs are considered, which are expedient to use in the design and optimization of agro-industrial complexes.


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