
  • I. M. Naumuk
  • O. V. Naumuk




information infrastructure of higher education institutions, Zabbix monitoring service, zabbix server and client configuration.


The transition of higher education institutions of Ukraine to work online has caused a rapid development and implementation of various online services and services that teachers use to conduct various classes. There are various services that are recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and services that are tested in the test mode by higher education institutions and teachers, due to which technical problems of various kinds may arise. In addition, the quality of work of any services used in educational institutions depends on the state of the material and technical base, dependencies, and a high level of availability. To determine the nature and source of the problem in the work of information services, it is necessary to implement a system for collecting data, determining metrics and corresponding automatic actions or sending notifications to responsible specialists. The results of the analysis of the received data provide an opportunity to identify weak points in the operation of any network infrastructure service, to determine the demand and importance of individual services and services that ensure the functioning of the information support of the work of an educational institution, and also allow to make reasoned decisions regarding the location of the deployment of the service (on own server or in the cloud), the efficiency of the service during a certain time (setting up work at certain hours, or completely removing the service, as it is not used, or is not significant and critical for the functioning of the system in general). Thus, the availability of a system for monitoring the information infrastructure of a higher education institution is one of the priority areas of research. The article provides an example of installing and configuring the Zabbix server and client, as well as an example of configuring server monitoring under the control of the Linux operating system, installing additional templates for monitoring the operation of the web server and the operation of the ssh service.


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Zabbix Appliance / Zabbix Documentation 5.0 [Електронний ресурс] – Режим досутупу: https://www.zabbix. com/documentation/5.0/manual/appliance.

