


polishing, process, damage, paint


The article considers the cluster model for describing the polishing of non-metallic materials in relation to paint coatings applied to surfaces of complex geometry. In particular, technical means of contour polishing of coatings of non-metallic layers of car body elements with the use of mechatronic modules from CNC are proposed, which reproduce the movements and modes of polishing, which were previously performed manually. On the basis of consideration of the problem of destruction of paint coatings of car bodies and analysis of the literature on the study of the physical and mechanical processes of forming the surfaces of parts from non-metallic materials with a tool using polishing pastes and studying the laws of this process, the polishing ability of various polishing pastes was investigated. The geometric criteria of the quality of self-polishing of paint coatings with a formalized provision of the interrelationship of the width of the artificial scratch applied by a diamond tetrahedral pyramid with the depth and shape of the artificial scratch before and after polishing are proposed. A wide range of speed, power, and rheological factors of polishing body surfaces with double curvature were considered, but thermal and mechano-chemical processes were not established. Data on the effectiveness of polishing pastes and the quality of restored paint coatings of the car were obtained as a result of the performance of a scientific service commissioned by the Kherson PE "InterSklad" enterprise. Samples of polishing pastes of the abrasive fraction and the composition of the solvent that must meet the conditions of manual polishing were determined, and the corresponding auto cosmetic products were put into production. A test methodology has been developed that allows you to determine in a short time the effectiveness and modes of polishing mixtures for the elimination of mechanical damage to the paintwork of cars.


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