


glass furnace, parametric scheme, consumption, temperature of the glass mass


In the article, creation of a structural and parametric scheme of the control object, authored by Sytnikov O.V. and Hrechuk B.I., the task of creating a structural-parametric diagram of a glass-making furnace as a control object in glass-making production is given. Purpose. The task of creating a mathematical model of the furnace, based on a structural parametric scheme, which will take into account all the technological features of the glass production process, input and output parameters and disturbances. Methodology. The process of making glass is a very energy-intensive industry of the national economy. Prices for natural gas, which acts as a fuel, increase according to market trends and expert forecasts, so it is necessary to use fuel as economically as possible, while not changing the quality of the original product. Maintaining the value of the initial parameters of the process in accordance with the requirements of the technological regulations and saving fuel and energy resources is always in demand. The creation of a system for controlling the thermal regime during the operation of the glass furnace becomes a primary task. Originality. The glass making stage is the most responsible link in the technological line of glass production due to the fact that the quality of the final product depends on the quality of the produced glass mass. It is impossible to experiment with the glass mass production process by stopping or suspending the production process. Taking into account all the above-mentioned parameters and the interaction between them is possible when the structural-parametric scheme of the control object is created. Results. In the studies presented in the work, there is the creation of control channels, the identification of the main input and output parameters. As a result, the main control channel is determined from the structural-parametric scheme. Practical value. The obtained results will be used in the development of a mathematical model of the control object, creation and synthesis of the control system for the thermal regime of the glass furnace.


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