electric transport, electrobus, batteryAbstract
Special attention should be paid to the possibilities of using electric buses, which changed the internal combustion engine to an electric engine to improve the city's environment. By 2040, 80% of intercity transportation in the countries of the European Union should switch to electric buses, and such a trend for large cities is planned to be implemented on the territory of Ukraine. Much attention is paid in Ukraine to the development of transport infrastructure in the direction of electric transport within the city. To do this, starting from October 30, 2019, during the meeting of the Federation of Employers of the Automotive Industry, issues related to the terminology of the design and production of electric vehicles, its electric charging infrastructure, charging devices and a broad study of the market for the supply of electric buses for municipal utilities of cities were considered. The main representatives of electric transport manufacturers in Ukraine are: Murmuration technology company, Eurocar company, AVERE Ukraine Ukravtoprom, EV-UA – Ukrainian Association of Electric Vehicle Market Participants, NGO "Electro-autosam Club", Federation of Employers of the Automobile Industry, Corporation "Bohdan". As a result of the meeting, proposals were made to amend the Law of Ukraine "On Road Transport". Modern production of electric buses is an alternative to reduce the use of buses with internal combustion engines, which significantly improves the ecology of the city and the region as a whole. The cost of maintenance and repair is much lower compared to ordinary buses. Equipping urban transport with an electric engine in Ukraine undoubtedly contributes to the European Union's rules regarding International Passenger Transportation Standards.
Макогон С. Електромобілі – майбутнє, метан – теперишнє. Як швидко покращити ситуацію із забрудненням повітря в Україні. URL: https://nv.ua/ukr/biz/experts/gaz-na-avto-gbo-ekonomichnodlya-vlasnikiv-chisto-dlyanavkolishnogo-seredovishcha-vigidno-dlya-ukrajini-50036086.html (дата звернення: 26.09.2023).
Китайська компанія BYD зі своїми електробусами вийшла на ринок Німеччини. URL: https://elektrovesti.net/67826_kitayskaya-kompaniya-byd-so-svoimi-elektrobusami-vyshla-na-rynokgermanii (дата звернення: 26.09.2023).