



communication network, management process, mobility metrics, routing metrics, throughput, delay, energy efficiency, routing protocol, prediction


This paper examines in detail the features of the functioning of special purpose mobile communication networks of the MANET class. A number of scientific works were analyzed that reveal the essence of the functioning of routing protocols of three main classes – active, reactive and hybrid. It was emphasized that the main interest in the research of the routing management process is caused by resource limitations during the functioning of mobile communication networks in the conditions of dynamic topology, i.e. in conditions when the physical carriers of communication equipment move at a variable speed due to changes in the topography of the area and the presence of obstacles. The authors emphasize that the scientific novelty of the study is due to the use of a mobility model that takes into account the physical properties of communication nodes, which is the basis for obtaining mobility (movement) metrics. The article analyzes four routing protocols, describes the processes of building and maintaining data transmission routes. It was determined that each of the protocols (OLSR, AODV, DSDV, MAODV) has both advantages and disadvantages, so it was determined to investigate these protocols in terms of performance by evaluating routing metrics. Simulation modeling was carried out using the Python programming language in the GoogleColab interactive environment. The simulation time is 40 minutes, the network parameter initialization time is 50 seconds, the number of mobile nodes is 85. In the simulation process, redundancy processes were not considered due to the improved characteristics of mobile base stations. As a result of the simulation, it was established that MAODV and OLSR routing protocols show a better adaptive capacity to work in conditions of high dynamics (changes in the speed of network nodes) compared to other considered protocols (AODV, DSDV) in terms of key indicators (throughput, delay, jitter and process discharge Batares). Ujawniono statystyczną korelację between delay, jitter and propuzjannością, which can be used for further optimization of routing algorithms. In the same way, it's time to model energy efficiency and networks. It has been shown that the MAODV and OLSR protocols are characterized by a lower percentage of battery discharge compared to other protocols, which is extremely important in mobile networks where energy supplies are limited.


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