



mobile application, video, audio, IOS, concept, interaction scenario, wireframes, design, development, Xcode


The article presents analytical and practical tasks that must be solved in order to implement the process of creating a mobile application for working with video and audio for the iOS operating system. The key aspects inherent in the development of mobile applications for the iOS platform, specialized in multimedia content, have been determined. The features inherent in the process of creating a mobile application for iOS are disclosed using the example of the development of the "MusicLab" application, which provides the user with the opportunity to work with the following functionality: creating and editing playlists, displaying a list of playlists from one's own YouTube, playing video and audio, sharing content (compatible use), keyword video search and content filtering. To build a mobile application with the described functionality, a number of analytical and practical tasks have been formulated, namely: creating a concept, building an interaction scenario and wireframes, forming screen designs, developing and testing a mobile application in the Xcode environment. The process of solving each of the tasks is described and illustrated with a corresponding fragment of its implementation. Attention is drawn to the importance of building an interaction scheme that determines how the mobile application will be used by users. Wireframes are given that schematically show the location of the element composition on the application screens, and the interface design based on high-detail mockups is shown. Also, the article substantiates why it is appropriate to use Xcode for the practical implementation of the process of creating a mobile application for iOS. At the end of the article, the application development process in the environment and separate windows of the "MusicLab" mobile application are shown. Therefore, the development of mobile applications for working with video and audio on the iOS platform requires an understanding of analytical and technical aspects, taking into account the peculiarities of the reproduction of the interface design from the user's point of view, the use of specialized software for developing applications for the iOS operating system. Such an application will allow the user to create, edit and consume video and audio content in any area of his life.


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