social development, public administration, management mechanisms, social development of the city, local self-governmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the definition of the main components of the system of public management of social development of the city. The study notes that a special issue today is the availability of ways to improve the standard of living of the population of modern cities, which can be determined on the basis of the effective functioning of the components of the state management system of social development of cities. The article examines the mechanisms of public management as the main components of the system of public management of social development of the city. Taking into account the research of foreign and domestic scientists, the primary dominant role of social development in the modern system of economic relations has been proven. It was determined that the management mechanisms of the described system include political, legal, organizational and economic components. The work reveals the main conditions for the effective functioning of the mentioned mechanisms: for the political mechanism, these are the principles of well-being, justice, security, the principle of systemic influence; for legal ones, it is the provision of regulatory and legal conditions to improve the quality of life of city residents and ensure their social well-being; for organizational – this is the creation and strengthening of the organizational potential of management subjects as an important component of the specified system; for the economic mechanism, the efficiency can be estimated by the relevant indicators. The article claims that the evaluation of the efficiency of the studied mechanisms of social development of the city can be carried out using various indicators and analytical methods that take into account the specifics of a particular city and its goals. Moreover, the effectiveness of the functioning of the mechanisms is determined by the criteria of the quality of life and standard of living of the city's population.
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